
Should Denver’s Parks, Streets and Public Places Become Housing? ‘Occupy Denver’ Re-Dux?

Denver voters will consider these questions as Initiative Ordinance 300 (“Initiative 300”) on the ballot for the May 7, 2019 election (along with candidates for mayor, other offices and Initiative Ordinance 301).

Initiative 300 would allow anyone to use streets, parks and other outdoor property of the City:

  • With a “right to rest” (in an “unobstructed” manner)
  • As shelter from the elements
  • To eat food (where food is not prohibited)
  • To occupy a legally parked vehicle
  • With privacy rights while occupying public places

Initiative 300 is proposed to overcome the City Council’s ordinance that prohibited camping in 2012 during “Occupying Denver” protests – similar to other protests throughout the U.S.

“Rest” is not defined – leading to a conclusion that public places are available for housing.

“Shelter” is not defined – leading to a conclusion that tents and other means of protection from the elements would be permissible.

All property owners, including the City of Denver, have the right to prohibit housing on their property.  In my opinion, this right should not be taken away from the City of Denver.

Denver residents should register to vote and vote “No/Against” Initiative Ordinance 300.

See the sample ballot – with its innocuous language.

See the Denver Post op-ed regarding this matter.

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