Effective May 6, 2020, anyone 3 years of age and older is required to wear a face covering in certain public settings within the City and County of Denver. Denver is not unique and is among a growing list of local county and municipal governments mandating the use of face masks when engaging in various […]
News and Insights
IS THE ASSOCIATION REQUIRED TO REFUND ASSESSMENTS BECAUSE OF CLOSED FACILITIES? Many associations have temporarily closed common facilities in response to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines. Thises facilities include such as clubhouses, laundry rooms, fitness rooms, and hot tubs. Many are wondering whether or how pools will be able to open later this month. As […]
Colorado and most of the country are on stay-at-home orders of some kind. Colorado state and federal courthouses have vacated in-person civil hearings, trials and other matters, subject to rescheduling. With court closings, litigants have been forced to quickly adapt to virtual litigation activities that are customarily done in person. This can include virtual depositions, […]
No, not the virus (though that cannot come soon enough), but the end of a condominium or planned community? A community can end (be terminated) following the process in the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and/or in the declaration. A super majority of the owners decide. If the community is no longer desired to be […]
Stay Safe: Resources to Help As of March 26th, the entire State of Colorado is under a Stay-at-Home Order issued by Governor Polis. The state is subject to Public Health Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. Many areas in and around our communities have seen people turning a blind eye […]