
Grant Money Available to Associations from Some Cities

Many cities, like Golden, have created grant programs to help support HOAs and neighborhoods.  The City of Golden has created the i-Golden Neighborhood Grants Program intended for community associations located within Golden.

Golden has two grant levels:
* A small grant up to $500. This grant money is in the form of a reimbursement and is intended for block parties, neighborhood cleanup days or other small events.

* A matching grant of up to $2,500. Matching grants are intended for larger projects that build a more vibrant neighborhood and benefit the community as a whole. The community association is required to match the amount of the grant. The matching grants are evaluated with recommendations sent to City Council for final approval.

Associations in Golden can apply anytime during the year, prior to the event or project, until funds for that year have been expended. Check with your city or county to see if they offer a grant program.

For more information on criteria for the grants or to download and application, visit the City of Golden’s website.

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