

Although all Colorado pools are required to remain closed through May 26, 2020, the CDC has now provided guidance for re-opening pools and hot tubs.   We know that there are many questions about whether, how, and when associations should have a  hot tub and pool re-open ing.  According to the CDC, COVID-19 is not transmitted through the water, but swimming is hardly the only activity that occurs near the pool!  Many associations have been wondering whether additional cleanings and social distancing will be needed (or possible).  Not unexpectedly, the CDC’s guidelines include frequent hand washing, masks, social distancing, sanitizing, and proper pool or hot tub maintenance.  You can find the full guidelines at   Associations should work with their community association managers, attorneys, pool vendors and cleaning staff  to find the proper balance as they consider how and when to re-open pools, hot tubs and other amenities.


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