
Affordable Housing Fund Proposed – Backed by Recording Fees

State Senator Ulibarri has introduced Senate Bill 2015-79 to seek to fund statewide affordable housing through a surcharge on recording fees of County Clerks and Recorders.

Community associations record notices of liens, notices of violations, amendments to declarations and more.  This bill, if passed, will have fiscal impact on associations.  The extent of which will depend on the number of documents recorded.

Under current law, each County Clerk and Recorder collects a surcharge of $1.00 for recording documents to maintain their filing systems.  The proposed legislation increases this fee to $2.00.  Of the $2.00 fee, the Clerk and Recorder would retain $1.00 and the other $1.00 would be transferred to the State Treasurer for a statewide Affordable Housing Fund.

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