June 1, 2013
Bill Summary. This bill has four primary applications.
- Expanded HOA office Registration of HOAs. The bill expands the HOA Information Office registrations to include pre-CCIOA associations (previously excluded).
- Records requests as may be made by the State of HOAs. The HOA Information Officer may request records from associations, as necessary, to carry out duties of the state officer.
- Educational and reference materials of the State. The HOA Information Officer is to prepare educational and reference materials.
- Study of Comparable States and their Regulation of HOAs. The State of Colorado (through the division of Real Estate, within the Department of Regulatory Agencies) must study other comparable state offices and how they regulate HOAs.
- This includes evaluation of:
- complaints of residents or owners
- alternative dispute resolution
- HOA elections
- regulatory oversight of HOAs
- per-unit fees and other fees the State may impose or tax on HOAs
- A report on this study is to be submitted by December 31, 2013
Effective Date. August 7, 2013
Recommendations to HOAs. It is recommended that:
- Pre-CCIOA communities (those formed before July 1, 1992) register with the HOA Information Office
- HOAs interested in the regulatory framework of the states being studied, and presumably to be established, should contact their state legislators, including their State Representative and State Senator and share their perspectives about their HOA and state regulation
- HOAs interested in this topic are also encouraged to contact one or more members of the Colorado Legislative Action Committee of CAI to share their perspectives