
Special Districts

Special districts are quasi-municipal corporations and political subdivisions of the State of Colorado formed to provide necessary public services that a county or municipality cannot or will not otherwise provide.  Similar to common interest communities, special districts have Board members, follow tailored governing documents (i.e. service plans, etc.), and require the collection of debt and enforcement of covenants.  However, the laws that apply to special districts differ from those that pertain to CICs.

Our firm has extensive experience providing lien foreclosure services and assistance with covenant and rule enforcement matters, typically in collaboration with the general counsel of the district.

Our operating philosophy in these matters is to seek or induce voluntary compliance from the owner whenever possible.  When voluntary compliance is not obtainable, we prosecute each case diligently to trial in order to obtain the appropriate relief.

Lien Foreclosure and Covenant and Rule Enforcement Services

  • Consultation with the board and/or management
  • Document review and interpretation
  • Covenant enforcement policy preparation or revisions
  • Demand letters
  • Notice of covenant violation – recorded against the owner’s real property
  • Settlement stipulation – after demand letter
  • County or District court lawsuits (typically injunctive in nature)
  • Collection of monetary awards obtained in covenant enforcement litigation
  • Credit reports or skip traces by the law firm
  • Monthly status reports at no charge
  • Other miscellaneous covenant enforcement services
  • Coordination with Sheriffs and scheduling of foreclosure sales
  • Deed preparation and recording
  • Eviction

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